A business blog needs careful thought, but should also be enjoyed
Blogging is no longer a domain dominated exclusively by opinionated youngsters or mothers at home with babies. Now, web blogs are being published by politicians and political parties, non-governmental organisations, social initiatives and promotional campaigns, and small and large businesses.
It is also obvious that entries in a corporate blog cannot be made in quite the same vein as in a personal blog. What is more, the better method is to create a blog strategy and identify the aims of blogging as a means of communication. Blogging per se cannot be the goal; it is only the means.
When a company starts a blog, they probably do so for a reason: either the direct promotion of something or simply communication. Based on the particular reason, companies should choose their course and stick to their targets, say the experts.
Robin Gurney is the executive director of Altex Marketing OÜ. He has seen the creation of many blog strategies. The experts asked to comment on the topic were Gurney and David Phillips, author of the books “Online Public Relations” and “Managing Your Reputation”. The two say that a blog strategy used to be enough for participation in social media, whereas in today’s business world it is just one part of a larger online communication plan.
Janno Siimar, the creative director of Velvet Creative Alliance, shares this opinion, while highlighting a different aspect – a blog or a micro blog (Twitter) is no miracle cure or an immediate competitive advantage that makes people buy your product. It is simply a communication channel, which (when used smartly) can be used to promote your great product. But if the product is bad, a good blog will not be of much help. “A bad thing can only be sold once,” he says with a sneer.
Meelis Mandel, the Editor-in-chief of Äripäev, mentions the few dozen corporate bloggers who blog in Äripäev’s online portal. This service also makes it obvious that blogging is a means of communication for them, because by choosing this site for hosting their blog they ensure the attention of the target group, and a greater readership.
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