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IdeePank pakub külastajatele võimalust öelda välja omapoolne idee, mis lahendaks mõnda probleemi või oleks edasiviivaks jõuks kas inimese, organisatsiooni või ühiskonna tasandil. Kellel ideed pole, võivad välja käia omapoolse probleemi, millele soovitakse head nõu. Kellel pole probleemi ega head ideed, saab oma panuse ühisesse mõttepatta anda esitatud ideede rakendatavuse analüüsimisega.

Swindle with credit cards. How to struggle with it?

Tere, mul on v2ga raske kirjutada eesti keeles, sest olen venelane, kui see ei ole probleem, siis kirjutan p6him6tted inglise keeles.

The project for acquaintance of inhabitants with system of frauds in sphere of high technologies, such as larceny of credit cards, possible schemes of removal of money from another's account, is exclusive for the purpose of protection of inhabitants. A theme in Estonia a little used, and I think that it will be useful to know  people how to avoid loss of own money from their accounts.





Mihhail, 22.01.2009 @ 00:27

I think, that in Estonia this problem is not developed right now, but, novaday`s conditions are provokes some people to cheat. It is not a problem to make a little information site about, how to avoid money dissapearing. A know, that there is are advertisments, like don`t tell no one your card information, but somehow, even peoples from Estonia, gets that money from another people`s accounts. And no one knows, how could someone use their money. I think, in novadays this is actual theme.