DAY I-Thursday, 13th of November 2008
9.00- 10.00 Registration and morning coffee
SESSION I: Openness & innovation leaders
10.00- 11.30 Opening and introduction of the conference
Alar Kolk, day I moderator
Both, big and small enterprises need to find faster and more efficient solutions for launching new products&services. Open Innovation can help here. Open Innovation means that both resources- internal and external ones are used for developing& launching new products& services to a market. Open Innovation sees the whole chain of innovation as an open system which involves different parties. Not only some parts of product development cycel are opened but the whole system.
The following questions will be answered in this session:
• What is open innovation and how to implement it within a company?
• How does Open Innovation give an opportunity to everyone to develop and launch new products & services in a fast, more efficient and less risky way?
• What are the specifics of Open Innovation in service sector?
• Which competencies are needed for implementing Open Innovation and using it for successful innovations?
• What are the successful examples of implementing open business models from banking, ICT, services, retail and wholesale and public sector?
Start for two days experiments!
A Thought: Henry Chesbrough, UC Berkely – open source, video
Amazing stories of successful products&services
Mark Tungate, British journalist based in Paris
11.30 – 12.00 Energy break
SESSION II: Open innovation & fast growth of a company
12.00 – 13.00
A Thought: A.G. Lafley, President, Procter & Gamble – open source, video
How to use innovative ideas which do not go under immediate execution?
Enn Saar, MicroLink Estonia, Chairman of the Board
Successful internal innovation permits a company to gain access to markets with new solutions that disrupt those markets, creating an environment of opportunity and expansion. Although adjacent markets can provide strong prospects for growth on their own, it is important to maintain architectural integration with existing products as this inevitably creates an opportunity for disruption in adjacent markets and long-term differentiation. Properly implemented, internal venturing is well suited to take advantage of all the complementary assets of the corporation—brand, sales force, channels, and so on—thereby creating a total product offering that is greater in value than the sum of the parts.
Enn Saar shares his experience how good ideas are used and put into practice in Microlink and answers to following questions:
• How not to „kill“ good ideas? How to avoid „ killing“ good ideas
• How to lead ideas which are creted within a company to new markets?
• What kind of skills does a company need for leading ideas and creating networks with partners?
• When is a right time to develop networks of ideas?
• What are the benefits to a company?
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
SESSION III Open& smart business model: creation&change
14.00 – 16.00
A Thought: M. Yunus, Nobeli rahupreemia laureaat – open source, video
Engineering an Open Business Model- How does the change in business model create an international growth to a company?
Alexander Osterwalder, open business model and innovation consultant
Each company has its business model. Is it unique and allows the organization to grow in the future? Concept of business model is new and strategic view to build up and develop an enterprise. There have been more and more sayings that even compiling a business plan to a start-up shall be based on describing its business model. Companies do not need to innovate only the technoogy but also business model. Business model is a mechanism, which brings money into the company, and this is something what technology cannot do.
The following questions will be answered in the presentation:
• How to change company’s business model so that is openess would bring more revenue and value to a company?
• What are the elements of a successful Business Model?
• What are the pecularities of service based business model?
• How to design and develop a business model? Who is or shall be responsible for renewing a business model within a company?
• What’s the role of specializing?
• What kind of business models bring fast international growth and profit?
Estonian companies opportunities for cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA)
Madis Võõras, Enterprise Estonia
GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security): a Platform for New Business Models & Services
Dr. Anu Reinart
L-Commerce is supported by a birth of international platforms Galileo and GMES. Anu will be discussing the following questions regarding these technologies:
• What do these platforms allow users to do currently and where are they developing?
• What kind of business opportunities lie in using these platforms and what type of companies/institutions could benefit from them? • What are the success stories of applications and what type of services shall be developed?
• How to begin a cooperation with these platforms?
• What are the risks and funding possibilities for development?
PARALLEL SESSION I Tallinn City Enterprise Department cluster session- Cluster as an open business model
Jüri Riives, Federation of Estonian Engineering Industry, chairman of the board
Kaupo Saue, organizational consultant and general manager, development firm CREATES
Ingrid Hindrikson, coordinator of development projects, Enterprise Deparment of Tallinn City Council
Ph.D Vaho Klaamann, Member of the Board of Estonian Association of IT Industry, Santa Monica Networks development director
The following topics will be discussed during cluster session:
• Systematic cooperation as a tool for finding solutions to problems- which are the effects of clusters?
• The roles within cluster- how shall be/are the roles within cluster development for public and private sector? How would a team made up from public sector- association- company representatives succeed from initial plans to concrete projects?
• What is a role of human factor in innovative& out of box thinking and execution of ideas?
Entrepreneurs (potential leaders of clusters), representatives of associations, officers and experts will join this discussion. In short, all parties who have roles&responsbilities in cluster process
16.00 – 16.30 Energy break
16.30 – 17.35
SESSION IV: Platforms & practices of open innovation
A Thought: Platforms for innovation & business S. Lawler, Microsoft Virtual Earth – open source, video.
Open Innovation practices in Finnish companies
Marko Torkkeli, Professor of Technology and Business Innovations at the Lappeenranta University of Technology
Marko will answer the following questions in his presentation:
• For what kind of companies and why open innovation is relevant& important?
• Who are the parties in open innovation?
• How to create a business model from components of open innovation, networks and platforms?
• Which are smart business models in Finland?
• What are the important competencies for a company so that it can grow and benefit from innovation?
Space cluster in Tallinn- a reality or fiction?
Jüri Riives, Federation of Estonian Engineering Industry, chairman of the board
17.35 The End of the first conference day
2nd Day: 14th of November 2008
SESSION V: Vision for a future: mobilephones, marketing & LBS
10.00 – 12.00 The introduction to a conference day
Teet Jagomägi, Chairman of Executive Board of REGIO Ltd.
Day II moderator
Day’s opening thought: Geography & space – new source of innovation for Estonia
Ülari Alamets, Enterprise Estonia (EAS) chairman of the board
A Tought: Who Will Make the Most Money from Location Based Services – open source, video
Future trends of Mobile Phones and LBS.
Jussi-Pekka Partanen, Nokia
Where are you? This is one of the most common questions we ask daily. But how to earn billions of dollars by finding an answer to this question? Nokia and many other smaller companies have already started to hunt this money. Wouldn’t it be nice to see online where our children, friends, parents, dogs, cars, ect are? To see where exactly they are at this point of time. A totally new business sector is about to be born. There have also been many talks on the fact that mobile phones will be replacing computers. Needed technologies already exist and the whole LBS sector is about to move to mobiles. This allows to create new services for all Estonian companies and to use possibilities of vast platforms.
The following questions will be answered in a presentation:
• How to make business and develop new services while using the possibilities of social networks and LBS in mobile phones?
• Who are clients, which roles do they have, what differentiates them from others?
• What market niches have not yet been covered in this sector?
• What are the boundaries for implementation (both technological and other)?
• What cooperation opportunities lie in this field for technology/software/hardware developers& producers?
• What are the successful business models in this sector?
Galileo: a Platform for New Business Models and Services
Hillar Tork
L-Commerce is supported by a birth of international platforms Galileo and GMES. Hillar will be discussing the following questions regarding these technologies:
• What do these platforms allow users to do currently and where are they developing?
• What kind of business opportunities lie in using these platforms and what type of companies/institutions could benefit from them?
• What are the success stories of applications and what type of services shall be developed?
• How to begin a cooperation with these platforms?
• What are the risks and funding possibilities for development?
Future of Location-aware Advertising
Andrew Grill, Mobile Advertising Evangelist
How to combine the location of a client and advertising? This is one of the trickiest challenges on mobile based Location Based Services (LBS) and advertising. The new field in advertising is born. Companies need to reshape their products marketing. Billions of clients all around the world can explore products and services while travelling around the world – and at the same time not seeing the goods in reality! How to make this powerful tool as a tool for making money?
In this presentation the following questions will be answered:
• Where is money and how LBS advertising can help to find it?
• LB advertising – an old idea rebirth or a birth of a new business field?
• What is the current state and near futuere of LBS advertising – what technologies will be used?
• How does advertsining make its way to the mobile?
• How to lead desires of a potential client?
• What opportunities lie in real estate, banking, tourism, insurance ect sectors?
• What kind of scemes for cooperation could be used – government, private sector, ect?
• What is a future for LBS adervtising?
• What kind of future technologies help to boost up LBS advertising?
12.20- 13.10 Lunch
SESSION VI: SOCIAL NETWORKS & NEW BUSINESS MODELS 13.00 – 13.10 Intro to a topic: New business models
13.10 – 14.00 MS Virtual Earth business model and future developments
Franz Leberl
Often new buisness are born in cooperation with big multinationals. The latters have made large investments for developing platforma where different comapnies can make money. Microsoft's Virtual Earth is one of the new buisness platforms. It allows both small and bigger enterprises to create new services, applications and businesses. Mapping the Earth has reached new dimensions nowadays. Platforms of maps are created for adding information to photos from satellites. As a result there is an environment which creates the endless number of opportunities for several LBS businesses. Up to date applications are available for companies from all sectors. Especially retailing, real estate, contructions, banking, media, public sector and many others.
The following questions will be answered in this presentation:
- What kind of opportunities has Virtual Earth created for companies for increasing their buisnesses? Examples of success;
- How to change Virtual Earth useful to your business?
- Why is Virtual Earth a good platform for developing business?
- What kind of competencies are needed for co-developments?
- What are Microsoft's plans related to the platform in the future?
14.00 - 14.35 Mobile Internet and LBS: Now and Future
Yuri van Geest, partner Sprxmobile, Co-Founder Mobile Monday Amsterdam
Yuri will answer the following questions during the presentation:
• Definition of LBS and Contextual Services
• What are LBS Growth Areas & Business Models
• What are Key Capabilities for LBS start-ups?
• Role of Social Communities in LBS?
• How to build & manage social communities in LBS business?
• What Future Asian LBS Market Features & Trends?
14.35- 15.10 Future of Social Networks& Open Innovation
Sam Inkinen, Dicole Ltd.
Across a wide range of fields once passive consumers are becoming adaptors, inventors and innovators. Customer define themselves accordingly to Social Communities& they form Networks of Innovation.
Sam will answer the following questions during the presentation:
• How customers as social communities can contribute to product ideas, designs, or products themselves?
• How social networks are organized and managed? What’s the role of culture in it?
• What is social media, its content and location?
15.10– 15.25 Energy break
Fast growth of a company through Open Innovation
Prof. Wim Wanhaverbeke, the most valued open innovation researcher in Europe
Wim will answer the following questions during his presentation:
• How does innovation help in difficult economic situations?
• How to use efficiently the technologies developed by others in your own company?
• How Estonian companies could benefit from openness? • How to create alliances, develop ’right’ competencies?
• Why open innovation is important in a current economic situation?
16.15 The End of the conference