Innovation magazine HEI is first Estonian publication in iPad
Estonia’s largest innovation magazine HEI (Hea Eesti Idee – Good Estonian Idea) is the first publication in the Baltic states and one of the first ones in the Nordic countries to be freely readable in the Apple tablet computer iPad format in its concise special edition.
Estonia’s noteworthy innovative success stories from this year’s HEI magazine have been put into the iPad format in both English and Estonian. iPad allows the magazine to be considerably more interactive. Instead of one picture, tens of photos, video clips, and audio files can be added to the story. Various references and links can be created to other pages. iPad allows for TV programmes and commercials to be brought to the magazine, for instance.
“The objective of the editing of the innovation magazine is to show this project’s new trends and opportunities to the media and to introduce the achievements and ideas of Estonia to English speaking readers all over the world,” the Account Manager of HEI, Raivo Murde, said.
Interest towards the iPad has considerably increased worldwide. 3 million iPads were sold in the US alone in its first 80 days. The sales forecast for this year is 12 million tablet computers sold and they predict that 17 million iPads will be sold worldwide next year. iPad will be on sale officially in Estonia later this year. In Estonia, the forecasted number of the tablet computer users in the next few years is about 10,000.
In the tablet computer format, several international magazines can be read for free, as well for a fee, such as Time Magazine, The New Yorker, People Magazine, Sports Illustrated Magazine, etc.
To read the magazine, the iPad user must enter the Apple web store iTunes and from there download the HEI to the tablet computer for free. The relevant link is also on the HEI website: http://hei.eas.ee/.
HEI innovation magazine by Eesti Päevaleht is published at the request of Enterprise Estonia (EAS) within the framework of the Innovation Awareness Programme. The magazine is published on paper 10 times a year and distributed for free.
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