Pipedrive offers effective software for busy sales reps
The sales representatives from the company Vain & Partnerid have created an innovative sales management programme called Pipedrive, which is set to upset the thousands of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software companies worldwide.
“We had been looking for a solution like this for years and now we have finally found it,” says Urmas Purde, one of Pipedrive’s founders. Contact management software is a field with stiff competition and more than its fair share of players. At one end of the spectrum is expensive, “tailor-made” software; and at the other end, there is software that falls under the general description of one size fits all. The company Pipedrive was founded by Timo Rein and Urmas Purde, who have been partners in the firm Vain & Partnerid for more than ten years. Day in, day out, year after year, they struggled to find a “size” to fit them, despite the huge choice on the market.
“You could say that life inspired us to create Pipedrive,” says Purde. “Over the years, we had used different CRM software, but even the best of them had several drawbacks, to say the least.” To illustrate, Purde describes how he had to open several windows and scroll through drop-down menus in order to enter just a few lines about a customer. Due to the inconvenient software, the team members got into the habit of entering data with a considerable delay or omitting it entirely, which caused gaps in the customer data and did not allow for comprehensive sales analysis. At best, CRM software was just for passive customer data management and did not contribute to sales management in any way.
Bigger and smaller steps were gradually made to find a simpler solution that would not hinder sales. Purde and Rein also saw that their clients were having similar issues. “Last year we finally reached our limit,” says Purde. “We held the first meetings in March last year in order to discuss which features truly good sales management software should have and how it could be built. The rest is history.”
As the founders’ everyday job required them to ‘sell’ as well as help clients improve their sales, they developed a good understanding of effective sales management, and which software features can help. Also, several top experts in software development were involved in the creation of Pipedrive.
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