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Tegevusala: Kutse-, teadus- ja tehnikaalane tegevus
Organisatsioonile iseloomulik omadus:
Special cutting tools, metrology, software
Asukoht: Harjumaa Tallinn
Special cutting tools, metrology, sensors, software
Ajujaht 2012-s osalejale tehti projekti ettepanek Kirde-Hiinas
SIPGRADE, üks aasta 2012 Ajujahil esitletud projektidest sai toetust edasisele arendamisele Anshan Laser Valleys (Liaoning, Kirde-Hiina), koos teiste kavandatavate projektidega metroloogia ja mõõtmise süsteemide vallas, mis põhinevad Zeeman kahekordse sageduse interferomeetrial.
Teine variant (tavapärane, kahekordse sagedusega laser) leiab kasutust rasketööstuse tööpinkide dünaamilisel kalibreerimisel, kui esimese kahe projekti hulka kuuluvad laseri ja kaamerate tarvis fotoelektrooniliste elementide arenemine, mida kasutatakse väikeste mehitamata õhusõidukitel.
Rajamisel on uus 700 m² ehitis, milles on spetsiaalne labor kõigi vajalike seadmetega. Temperatuuri testala saab olema Liaoning Institute of Technology poolt, samuti hulk teadlasi välja töötamaks FPGA signaali konditsioneerimise ja töötlemise elektroonikat.
GPS antispoofing testing in Shenyang
We are testing an anti-jamming systems for UAV and presented it to the Galileo Master 2012 competition. The idea comes analyzing the recent case of the UAV landed jamming its navigation system. By putting noise [jamming] on the communications with the satellite (the UAV was far from its closest control station) , they probably forced the UAV into autopilot RTL mode (Return To Launch). At that time the UAV relies on GPS signals to get home. By spoofing the GPS, Iranian engineers were able to get the drone to 'land on its own where they wanted it to, without having to crack the remote-control signals and/or satellite communications data link.'" The idea is actually nothing special, it uses redundancy, i.e. uses more independent GPS sensors controlling each other on the same platform and then let just one of them being 'fooled' by the jamming, while the other maintain correct information and drive the UAV back home. A compass and some accelerometers (or even a view of the sun and an RTC) are a lousy substitute for the accuracy of GPS; but they do provide a sanity check that could keep you going in approximately the right direction, at least enough to hard-land somewhere nominally friendly, if GPS cannot be trusted... It's certain that the UAV had an inertial navigation system - the problem is, how do you know when to use it? The way they usually work is that the navigation system computes two solutions: a hybrid GPS/INS solution to use most of the time, and a backup inertial-only solution. The inertial-only solution doesn't get used by the flight computers unless GPS is out entirely or there's some other very obvious problem. If you spoofed a GPS signal with real coordinates and slowly guided it away, how could the nav system see there's something wrong? Inertial navigation systems need reference points to prevent huge drifts over time. This is especially a problem if the aircraft flies relatively straight at the same speed for a long time -- accelerometers won't be able to detect slight changes in course. GPS is used to provide the reference points to reduce the drift. If the GPS system is wrong, then the inertial nav system is also going to be fooled. Roadmap We first will test a solution with legacy Ardupilot with Air Shield (pressure sensor), no thermopiles, and an ArduIMU V2 instead, connected to a Mediatek 10Hz GPS. This with be 'sacrificed' and will talk to the jamming system (jammer), trying to make sure he thinks he is in control and following its instructions. Another two GPS receivers, i.e. a uBlock (binary) and and EM-406 Sirf with different protocols would stay behind, protected from the jammer by a firewall, and fly the UAV back to a safe home position. The system is based on open-source data and limited, through Xbee telemetry, to 1.2 km. Next step will be performed on a remote system up to 40 km and finally on a satellite datalink.
Feanor OÜ sensors and UAV business
Feanor OÜ enters UAV business in 2012 through a cooperation with Shenyang Aerospace in Shenyang, Liaoning province, Nort East China. Feanor will be responsible for design and integration of sensors into existing autopilot hardware and further development of low cost autopilot platforms based on Atmega2560 (GPS, altimeter, magnetometer and dataflash included), using Invensense 6DoF MPU-6000, autonomous take-off and landing.
When using the internal sensor fusion processor of the MPU-6000, more than half of the Atmega2560 processing capacity is free for new advanced features to be exploited.
Wind turbine gear technology
Feanor OÜ will start in 2012 a project to develop single flank measuring systems with a Chinese manufacturer of gear shaping machines, for large internal gears (see picture) of blades (diameter up to 3000 mm). Single flank will use two rotational encoders to detect surface, pitch and runout errors, and carefully designed master gears. The software will include also a gear noise analysis (Fourier), although the noise generated by the transmission system is a small fraction of the total generated noise, mainly due to the turbine blades passing through the air as the hub rotates.Noise from the gearbox and generator is contained within the nacelle by sound insulation, isolation materials and gear design.
We have already great interest from one Danish and one Finnish company involved in gears for wind turbines. The idea for this measuring technology started originally in Estonia a couple of years ago, but was never supported and we decided therefore to work on it with foreign partners with the new R&D center in China. Feanor OÜ has been working on gear technology for radar systems, where pitch control is extremely important.
In order to keep proposals running within the EU, Feanor OÜ is also planning a R&D office in Bucharest (Romania). We have noted that Romanian agency actively supported national proposals, has a dynamic approach and focuses on automotive and mechatronics companies. This environment could support our research initiatives in future FP7 calls.
New manufacturing plant for Special Cutting Tools
Feanor OÜ allkirjastas hiljuti kokkulepe ettevõttega Shenyang Liming Aero Engine tootmaks erilisi lõikeriistu selle uhiuues tehases Jilin provintsis Kirde-Hiinas.
Kümnel tuhandel ruutmeetril asetseval uuel tehasel on eesmärgiks tööd anda 400 inimesele.
Peamisteks klientideks on Hiina lennu-ja autotööstus, 40% toodangust läheks lähedal asuvatele BMW ja AUDI tehastele.
Aastal 1954 asutatud Shenyang Aero-Engine Group on Hiina esimene reaktiivmootoriga õhusõidukite mootorite tootja, riigi üks peamisi arendusprojekte, milles töötab 12000 inimest. Ettevõtte äritegevus hõlmab nii tsiviil-kui sõjaliste õhusõidukite mootorite ja muude lennundusalaste komponentide tootmist ja hooldamist.
Feanor OÜ on registreeritud Tallinnas aastal 1998, kuid omab projekteerimisalast kogemust juba aastast 1992. Ettevõte on võitnud erinevaid rahvusvahelisi auhindu ning registreerinud lõikeriistade patente ja metroloogiaalast teadus-ja arendustegevust Iisraelis (2000), USA-s (2004), Tuneesias, Soomes (2010) ja Venemaal (2011). Lennumootorite tootmine on strateegiline ning Hiina on huvitatud Feanori oskusteabest ja volframkarbiidist eriliste lõikeriistade tootmise tehnoloogiast rootorvõllide ja terade tarvis. Jilin-i provints toetab kohalikku tootmist varaliselt, masinate ja tööjõuga.
Feanor paper at Airtec 2001 Conference
6th International Conference “Supply on the wings”
Aerospace – The global innovation driver
The International „Conference Supply on the wings“ takes place for the sixth time, November 2 - 4, 2011 in conjunction with AIRTEC. Chairman of the conference is also this year Professor Dr Ing. Richard Degenhardt, Private University of Applied Sciences PFH), Göttingen and German Aerospace Center (DLR). New: Dr. Leslie Cohen, Senior Vice President at Hitco has been appointed Vice Chairman of the conference.
This year the future-oriented specialised conference for the aerospace supply chain is under the title "Aerospace - The global innovation driven" and will be again an optimal combination of lectures from industry and science and thus connecting practice and science in a perfect way. It offers excellent opportunities to exchange intensively knowledge, experience and information and to network with renowned experts from industry, governmental institutions, research centres, scientific institutions and universities from the international aerospace sector.
Feanor contribution refers to NDT technology for frame structures with X-Ray diffraction.
The purpose of shot peening (blasting) process is the induction of residual compression stress on the surface of components subject to fatigue loads. This is obtained impacting a surface with shots (round metallic, glass, or ceramic particles) with a force sufficient to create plastic deformation. It is similar to sandblasting, except that it operates by the mechanism of plasticity rather than abrasion. This process has been used for many years on special steel automotive (shift gears, connecting rods and suspension components) and aerospace components, in titanium alloys and light alloy steel.
The characterization of the shot peening process is defined by specific parameters, according to legislation, such as the intensity (expressed in Almen), the diameter of the particles and the degree of coverage. When used on components made of a material different from the Almen specimen (steel), the stress field in the component structure cannot be easily estimated. In that particular case we rely on bibliography for the definition of the process parameters. By use of X-ray diffraction with a new type of instrument, the authors were able to measure the real tensile stress induced by shot peening, carried out with two different parameters on aeronautical structural components (aluminum alloy).
International Metrology Day 20 May 2011. Feanor OÜ awarded in in Metrology Forum (Moskow VVC) for ‘Research and Development on Software for Calibration and Metrology’
International Metrology Day 20 May 2011. Feanor OÜ awarded in in Metrology Forum (Moskow VVC) for ‘Research and Development on Software for Calibration and Metrology’
Today 20 May 2011 is the International Metrology Day and there was no better way to celebrate it than by receiving an award by the Federal Agency of Technology and Metrology of the Ministry of Production of the Russian Federation.
The award acknowledges Feanor OU for ‘Research and Development on Software for Calibration and Metrology’ and was presented to Feanor CEO Luca Giorgio Bochese by the Ministry of Production of the Russian Federation, during the International Metrology Symposium held in Moskow VVC from 16 to 19 May 2011.
There are a number of projects we are involved in at the moment, including measurement of special gears (elliptical), improvement of calibration for large machine tools and CMM (coordinate measuring machines), NDT (non-destructive) inspection equipment for applications in chemical equipment, nuclear facilities, shipbuilding (high pressures) and aerospace (extremely low pressures). This award is the second recognition, after VTTV Omsk in 2009, we ever received in Russia, and confirms that our research and our products have a good chance to contribute to the modernization and continuous improvement of the metrological and technical infrastructure in high precision local manufacturing companies.
The forum was a success, particularly because of the high level contacts we have generated and fostered with Stankin Institute, Rusnano (Nanotechnology), VNIIM (Metrology Institute) and a number of Technical Universities and Metrology Institutes in different countries and regions, including Kazakhstan, Kazan, Ukraine, Tomsk, Novosibirsk.
New candidate in International Metrology Competitions
Feanor recently developed a portable and compact X-ray diffractometer for XRD, which allows residual stress measurement on-the-field. XRD technique for residual stress measurement is a technique still known and used in university laboratories. A particular application on inspection of a welding on a petrochemical reactor will be the subject of a scientific paper, being presented at 7th International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation ( ISPEMI2011), held by the School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronic Engineering of Hefei University of Technology, China http://ispemi.hfut.edu.cn
The device measures X-ray diffraction generated by electrons inside the anticathode atoms when hit by a flow of high speed electrons, identifying peaks of intensity related to wavelengths related to the anticathode atoms. As an example, if a chrome anticathode is hit with a band of electrons, having energy above the threshold value, it will emit characteristic X rays with a wavelength of about 0.229 nm. A cobalt anticathode will emit a characteristic radiation with a wavelength of about 0.179 nm. When the material irradiated is crystalline, as in the case of metals, the waves diffused will interfere with each other giving a diffraction spectrum. These re-emitted wave fields interfere with each other either constructively or destructively (overlapping waves either add together to produce stronger peaks or subtract from each other to some degree), producing a diffraction pattern on a detector. The resulting wave interference pattern is the basis of diffraction analysis, called 'Bragg diffraction', and using the related Bragg's Law we are able to relate this information to the tensile stress field of the crystalline structure of the inspected material.
The picture shows the evaluation of inside tensile stress on a welded joint, on a petrochemical reactor, to inspect and verify the effect of the heat treatment. After heat treatment, the surfaces had been sand blasted before painting. The sand blasting process modified and induced a residual stress on the surface, different from the inside. For this reason it was necessary to remove the modified layer using an electrochemical etching, in order to inspect the stress field at different layers without inducing any modification.
The paper shows how X-Ray diffraction can be used as non destructive technology to evaluate the impact of stress relief heat treatment on large surfaces, when not feasible or possible to extract a sample for testing. The impact is much less invasive, compared to other traditional systems (hole drilling).
This new equipment will also participate in the competition within the 7th Moskow International Forum and Metrology Symposium (MetrolExpo) in May 2011, under the category 'Quality Mark for diagnostics and non-destructive equipment' http://www.metrol.expoprom.ru/en/
Feanor at the International Metrology Symposium 17-19 May - Moskow
Feanor will attend the symposium and present the last development of LN10 compact laser, as well as infrared sensors and a related data acquisition software. Moscow International Forum "MetrolExpo'2011" is the largest specialized event in metrology, quality and safety of manufacturing processes and finished products. The forum will combine the 7th Competitive Exhibition of Measuring Tools, Testing and Laboratory Equipment "MetrolExpo" and the 3rd Moscow International Symposium "Precision. Quality. Safety" on one show-floor. In 2011, the forum will be held under the motto "Measurements in Science and Technology a bridge to innovation”.
The organizer of the event is the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology in association with the Central Office of the Government of the Russian Federation with participation the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation and international companies BIPM,OIML, EURAMET, COOMET.
Major Russian and foreign manufacturers and consumers of instrument-making products participate annually in the forum.
The exhibition "MetrolExpo" offers over 300 participating companies from 12-15 countries of the world, up to 20 collective expositions of federal agencies and establishments, public corporations, major holding companies and associations, over 50 regional standardization, metrology and certification centers (CSM) and metrological institutes, with over 6500 visitors attending. The total exhibition area will make more than 4500 sqm and is located on 2 floors of pavilion.
Moscow International Symposium "Precision. Quality. Safety" will present 100 contributions on vital topics in five basic sections: power efficiency and resource safity, nuclear technologues, space technologies and telecommunications, computer technologies and programs, medicial technology and pharmaceutics. More than 2500 specialists from 30 countries will attend.
Gear Technology Research
End of March 2011 is the official start-up date for VARIGEAR project, including the University of Genova and a research institute (Italy), a company in the UK, a coating research center in Romania, a gear manufacturer from Italy and, initially, Feanor. The project will last two years and will focus on non-circular gears manufacturing, coating and measuring technology. Italy is the second gear manufacturer in Europe, with more than 650 active companies, some of them manufacturing top quality special gears for different applications. Elliptical and non-circular gears are used in asyncronous motion transmissions.
Feanor application to Estonian national contact point for Manunet was rejected, mainly because gear technology is not known, understood, nor relevant in the country.
Feanor was anyway required to carry on the metrology task, through a sub-contract from the University, developing the measurement software for a 3D machine, gear testing equipment and gear profile and topography mathematical model. Estonia has nevertheless been definitely excluded from the project as partner country.
Improving Healthcare with Six Sigma
The first round of Six Sigma Green Belt Training in the Middle East has been recently completed by Feanor OÜ, immediately after the healthcare show Arab Health in Dubai, UAE, one of the world's largest healthcare tradeshows and congresses located in the Middle East.
Next events are being prepared in Jordan, UAE (oil refining and steel manufacturing), Lebanon and Israel.
There is a lot of potential in healthcare and pharmaceutical industry in this area, and a growing interest in application of control charts, DOE and FMEA.
Being 'grown-up' in a manufacturing environment, and being used to use those tools to track machine tool parameters and product characteristics, our team is now involved on-the-field in tracking and analyzing characteristics such as ICU codes, heart damage, neurosurgery data, deep vein thrombosis, cardiology, bleeding, emergencies, etc..
The statistics tools are the same, but with real challenging new applications, which also require specific training.
Personally, I have always been rarely in touch with this environment, and learning now how to deal with the human aspect of suffering, working side by side with physicians, brings a completely different attitude, level of engagement and feeling of responsibility. It has been an initial shock, but I am now starting enjoying it.
Erilised tööriistad CERN´i (Genf – Šveits) Mercury projekti jaoks
Feanori konstrueeritud spetsiaalseid täppiskäsihõõritsaid on edukalt kasutatud CERN´is (Genf – Šveits) tugeva (magnet)väljaga solenoidi kõrglegeersulamist komponentide tarvis.
Mercury projekt on katsetuse printsiibil eksperiment uurimaks prootonivoo, tugeva magnetvälja ja suure prootonite arvuga elementide (high-Z) objektide (tuumade) vastastikust mõju.
Eksperiment on mitme rahvusvahelise labori vaheline taotlus, millele on alla kirjutanud ettevõte Muon Collider Collaboration. On konstrueeritud vabajoaga elavhõbeda sihtsüsteem, mis avaldab koosmõju suure võimsusega (1 –MW) prootonivooga tugevas magnetväljas (15 T). Elavhõbedajoa sihtmärk on konfigureeritud sisestamiseks tugeva (magnet)väljaga solenoidi 15 cm läbimõõduga avasse. Sihtmärki iseloomustab hermeetiliselt tihendatud primaarse kaitsekesta maht, mis on paigutatud sekundaarsesse kaitsekesta, et oleks tagatud elavhõbedaaurude isoleerimine ümbritsevast keskkonnast.
Joa läbimõõt on 1 cm ning kiirus kuni 20 m/s. Optiline diagnostikaseade on paigutatud sihtmärgi konstruktsiooni, et võimaldada elavhõbeda levimise vaatlemist, mis tuleneb 24 GeV prootonivoo ja impulsi kohta kuni 20 x 1012 prootoni vastastikusest mõjust. Sihtsüsteem sisaldab ka titaanisulamivoo aknaid primaarse ja sekundaarse kaitsekesta jaoks.
„Feanor patenteeris ka energiatööstuse jaoks uue sisemise jahutusega kõvasulamist lõiketera, mis tagab efektiivsema töötlemise uutel töötlemistsentritel“, ütleb CEO Luca Bochese.
Hiina ja Eesti ühine teadusuuring ruumikeskkonna kõrgsagedusliku mõõtmise kohta
Feanor OÜ, North-West Technology Institute ja Hiina Sensor Network (Andur Võrgustik), Xi'an jõudnud koostööni ühisuuringus uus seadme kohta, mida kasutatakse vibratsiooni mõõtmiseks madalrõhu keskonnas nanosatelliitidel. Nanosatelliitidel ei ole midagi pistmist nanotehnoloogia mõistega. Viimane viitab molekulaarses skaalas materjalide valmistamisele.
Nanosatelliidi mõistet kasutati esimest korda NASA poolt viidates nende võrkpalli suurusele satelliidile "Miniature Autonomous Extravehicular Robotic Camera (Mini AERCam)". Käesoleva nanosatelliidi kasutus on kontrollida õhusõidukit väljastpoolt.
Feanor pakub mõõtmise tehnoloogiat ühtse sageduse kiir Zeeman laser interferomeetri kaudu, mis mõõdab asukoha, kiiruse ja kiirenduse kerge pendli vibreerival sagedusel ligi 10 kHz, eri temperatuuridel ja rõhkudel vaakumkambrites.
Programmi LabVIEW 7 kasutatakse töötamaks välja tarkvara, et analüüsida andmeid। Mõõteseadme arendamist toetab Hiina valitsus, kuna North Western Ülikoolis Xi'An-is on üks peamisi kosmoselendude tehnoloogia uurimiskeskusi.
Finnish Quality Award 2010 details
Finnish Quality Award 2010 was granted for the development of a technology for manufacturing of turbine shafts and blades, using solid carbide profile cutters with three cutting edges (for faster chip removal) and internal cooling nozzles for high pressure refrigerant.
Only customers with very rigid machines can use this technology. Machine tool rigidity is influenced by the high cutting forces generated by the solid carbide rougher on rotor disc from scratch (shortcome no.1), high spindle speed is required (shortcome no. 2) , and high pressure lubrication is required (shortcome no. 3).
Another shortcome is in the cost increase of the single tool, due to the cost of the raw material with pre-arranged internal cooling nozzles (bores). Some heavy duty machine builders are already providing machines which are able to employ this technology.
One user in Italy reports following improvements:
- Machining time of standard shaft (including roughing and finishing): reduced from 1200 to 960 hours, 25% improvement
- Indexing time: from 420 hours to 230 hours , 86%
- Cost of single cutting tool: 53% increase in cost (disadvantage), but compensated on the total used.
- Total cost of tooling: 250% improvement, since fewer tools are used to complete the same operation
This technology has applications in manufacturing of turbines for gas, steam and aircraft turboshafts. Most important target countries are Russia, China and India. Feanor has already started design of new type F cutters for nuclear power generation (China). The development has been, as with all Feanor products, entirely internally financed, incuding costs for design, testing, prototyping, manufacturing and patenting
Videoclip: Tarja Halonen tunnustas Feanor OÜ 2010 Kvaliteediinnovatsiooni auhinnaga
Tarja Halonen tunnustas Feanor OÜ 2010 Kvaliteediinnovatsiooni auhinnaga. Finnish Quality Innovation Award 2010 presented to Feanor CEO Luca G. Bochese from Finnish Prime Minister Tarja Halonen.
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