Tulemused otsingusõnale "metroloogia"
Ajujaht 2012-s osalejale tehti projekti ettepanek Kirde-Hiinas
SIPGRADE, üks aasta 2012 Ajujahil esitletud projektidest sai toetust edasisele arendamisele Anshan Laser Valleys (Liaoning, Kirde-Hiina), koos teiste kavandatavate projektidega metroloogia ja mõõtmise süsteemide vallas, mis põhinevad Zeeman kahekordse sageduse interferomeetrial.
Teine variant (tavapärane, kahekordse sagedusega laser) leiab kasutust rasketööstuse tööpinkide dünaamilisel kalibreerimisel, kui esimese kahe projekti hulka kuuluvad laseri ja kaamerate tarvis fotoelektrooniliste elementide arenemine, mida kasutatakse väikeste mehitamata õhusõidukitel.
Rajamisel on uus 700 m² ehitis, milles on spetsiaalne labor kõigi vajalike seadmetega. Temperatuuri testala saab olema Liaoning Institute of Technology poolt, samuti hulk teadlasi välja töötamaks FPGA signaali konditsioneerimise ja töötlemise elektroonikat.
International Metrology Day 20 May 2011. Feanor OÜ awarded in in Metrology Forum (Moskow VVC) for ‘Research and Development on Software for Calibration and Metrology’
International Metrology Day 20 May 2011. Feanor OÜ awarded in in Metrology Forum (Moskow VVC) for ‘Research and Development on Software for Calibration and Metrology’
Today 20 May 2011 is the International Metrology Day and there was no better way to celebrate it than by receiving an award by the Federal Agency of Technology and Metrology of the Ministry of Production of the Russian Federation.
The award acknowledges Feanor OU for ‘Research and Development on Software for Calibration and Metrology’ and was presented to Feanor CEO Luca Giorgio Bochese by the Ministry of Production of the Russian Federation, during the International Metrology Symposium held in Moskow VVC from 16 to 19 May 2011.
There are a number of projects we are involved in at the moment, including measurement of special gears (elliptical), improvement of calibration for large machine tools and CMM (coordinate measuring machines), NDT (non-destructive) inspection equipment for applications in chemical equipment, nuclear facilities, shipbuilding (high pressures) and aerospace (extremely low pressures). This award is the second recognition, after VTTV Omsk in 2009, we ever received in Russia, and confirms that our research and our products have a good chance to contribute to the modernization and continuous improvement of the metrological and technical infrastructure in high precision local manufacturing companies.
The forum was a success, particularly because of the high level contacts we have generated and fostered with Stankin Institute, Rusnano (Nanotechnology), VNIIM (Metrology Institute) and a number of Technical Universities and Metrology Institutes in different countries and regions, including Kazakhstan, Kazan, Ukraine, Tomsk, Novosibirsk.
Viimati lisatud
Inimesed | Organisatsioonid |
Evelin Kaan | Reivett OÜ |
Onedayhistory | Onedayhistory.com |
Reimo Laask | NUPUTAJA OÜ |
Artur Gradov | Abimate |
Maretta Vainumäe | TransLanguages OÜ |
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